Amended December 2024 Band Boosters Executive Board Meeting
Approved at 2025 Band Booster General Meeting
1.1 The official name of the organization operating under these By-Laws shall be the Tom C. Clark High School Cougar Band Booster Club.
2.1 This organization is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service.
3.1 The objective of this organization shall be to promote and provide support for the Tom C. Clark High School Band in its quality musical instruction and to assist the band in the development of its students musically, academically, and socially. The collective and individual growth of the band and its students are the Booster’s primary focus.
3.2 It shall be the objective of this organization to help provide financial support to the band program consistent with the Northside Independent School District (NISD) and the University Interscholastic League (UIL) guidelines.
3.4 The Boosters and its members will cooperate with the directors, band and leaders to pursue these worthy goals.
4.1 Operating/Accounting year is July 1 through June 30.
4.2 Internal Revenue Service (990-N: October 15) | (1099-NEC: Jan. 31) 990N
Small tax-exempt organizations are generally eligible to file Form 990-N to satisfy their annual reporting requirement if their annual gross receipts are normally $50,000 or less. Per IRS, Form 990-N is due every year by the 15th day of the 5th month after the close of the Clark Cougar Band Booster Club tax year.
4.3 The deadline to submit IRS 990-N is November 15.
4.4 AIM Insurance (Annual Renewal): due by October 25.
4.5 Texas Sales Tax-Exempt Form (Annual Renewal): Clark Cougar Band Booster is a 501c(3) nonprofit organization and is eligible for tax exemption. The Texas Sales Tax-Exempt Form must be completed at the beginning of each school year.
5.1 Membership shall include any individual interested in the purpose and objective of the Cougar Band Booster Club and who agrees to abide by the By-Laws of this organization.
5.2 Parents or Legal Guardians who have children in the current band program are eligible to 1 vote per household.
5.3 Honorary, non-voting members shall consist of the following associated with Tom C. Clark High School.
1. The Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, and Fine Arts Coordinator of Northside Independent School District
2. The Principal and Vice-Principal(s) of Tom C. Clark High School
3. The Band Director and Assistant Band Directors of Tom C. Clark High School
4. Faculty members of Tom C. Clark High School
5.4 All other community members will be eligible to participate in Booster activities, but not eligible to vote.
6.1 Annual band dues will be recommended by the Executive Board and approved by the general membership.
6.2 Any change in dues for the subsequent year shall be recommended by the Executive Board and approved by the general membership.
6.3 Any member(s) with a child participating in the band at Tom C. Clark High School shall be a Dues Paying Member.
6.4 Students who have not paid their band fees will be turned over to Tom C. Clark Administration for further collection.
6.5 Annual Band Dues are to be paid by the last day of summer camp (formal payment plans are available with Head Director approval). If a student withdraws or is removed from the Cougar Band program prior to the end of the school year, band fee refunds will be as follows: 100% until the first Friday of the first full week of the academic school year. Thereafter, 50% of the annual band dues will be refunded until the last Friday of the first month of the academic school year. No further refunds will be considered after this date.
7.1 The following elected officers may serve up to a three-year period, July 1 through June 30. Board members should maintain pass-on books on information and duties completed through out their term to pass on to the next board member.
1. President: The President shall preside at all meetings, enforce the provisions of the By-Laws, maintain custody of the By-Laws, approve all checks drawn on the Band Booster account, appoint all committees, and chair the Executive Board.
2. First Vice President: The First Vice President shall assume the duties of the President in the President’s absence and shall be responsible for the activities of fundraising.
3. Second Vice President: The Second Vice President shall be responsible for the activities of the Concessions Committee and shall be the organization’s representative to the Northside Booster Association.
4. Secretary: The Secretary shall record and maintain typed or legibly written minutes of all meetings and shall make available to all members copies of the official minutes of the preceding meeting, shall conduct correspondence including written notices of meeting as required, and shall prepare reports as required.
5. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall have custody of all Band Booster funds and shall pay all bona fide debts by bank card or checks signed by any of the two authorized signatories which are the President or Treasurer. The Treasurer shall maintain an accurate and permanent record of all receipts and disbursements and shall make available to all members at every regular meeting a current financial status including fiscal activity since the previous meeting.
6. Communications Coordinator: The Communications Coordinator will be an appointed position. Communication Coordinator shall be responsible for managing ongoing, timely awareness of the band program activities and achievements to the students and parents of the organization through the organization’s Web site and other communication channels as appropriate. The Communications Coordinator shall pursue external media opportunities to promote awareness of the Clark Band’s activities and achievements to the local community. The Head Director or President will appoint Communications Coordinator.
7. Corporate Sponsorship: The Corporate Sponsorship Liaison will be an appointed position. The Corporate Sponsorship Liaison will work with the Executive Board and Directors to identify priorities and needs of the overall program. This representative will work with the businesses and corporations in the community to gain awareness of and support of the program either through service or financial contributions.
8. Web Master: The Web Master will be an appointed position. The Web Master shall be responsible for the program website, email system, file sharing system, and other technical needs for the Booster Club.
9. Head Director: The Head Director will make requests beneficial to all students, attend booster club meetings, and meet with parents to bring awareness to the importance and needs of the band program.
7.2 The Executive Board shall be composed of the elected, appointed officers, and Head Band Director mentioned in Article 7. The Executive Board shall develop and recommend a proposed budget to be submitted to the membership for approval at the first business meeting of the year and shall recommend annual dues. The Executive Board shall meet at the call of the President or at the request of three members of the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall be responsible for the activities of all committees.
7.3 Executive Board Members who will serve as bank signers will include the President and Treasurer.
7.4 Any elected officer may be removed from office by a majority vote of the Executive Board.
7.5 An Officer intending to resign before their term is complete should submit a letter of resignation to the Executive Board. The current President shall appoint a voting member in good standing to complete the term with the approval of the Executive Board.
7.6 Officers may be asked to resign due to dereliction of duty. The current President shall appoint a voting member in good standing to complete the term with the approval of the Executive Board. Dereliction of duty shall be determined by the Executive Board based on concerns expressed by members of the booster organization.
8.1 The President, in consultation with the Executive Board, shall establish committees, delegate specific authority, appoint and remove members as required.
8.2 A roster of committee members, including names, address and telephone numbers, shall be distributed to the general membership at the first business meeting of each year. This roster shall be revised as necessary and shall be maintained by the Secretary.
8.3 Standing Chair Committees will be held by one delegate who will carry out the duties of said chair position.
8.4 The Delegate must be in good standing.
8.5 A Delegate may attend the Executive Board meeting at the discretion of the Executive Board.
8.6 No Committee shall have any authority therein to execute any action outside the scope of authority delegated therein by the Executive Board.
9.1 The President shall form a nominating committee at the March meeting, consisting of three persons. The President will appoint one member, and two members will be appointed from the floor by the general membership present. The nominating committee shall nominate one candidate for each position listed in Article VII, presenting the committee’s recommendations in April. Nominations from the floor shall be accepted with the consent of the person(s) nominated.
9.2 The Executive Board of the Boosters shall be elected annually by members at the General Band Booster Meeting in May.
9.3 A candidate running for President or Treasurer must have been an active member on the board for at least 1 school year prior to taking office unless the voting member has served on the Executive Board in previous years. Previous service in school band organizations or other qualifications will also be considered.
9.4 Elected officers shall be installed at the last business meeting of the year.
9.5 In the event an office becomes vacant, a replacement shall be selected by a majority vote of the Executive Board. A vacant president position is typically filled by the First Vice President or other Vice Presidents, in order.
10.1 Band Booster Meetings will be held on the first Tuesday of the month.
10.2 Special meetings may be called by the President, or at the written request of twenty (20) members. Notice and purpose of such special meetings shall be advised to each member by telephone or by mail, as circumstances permit.
10.3 Business at all regular and special meetings shall be conducted in accordance with a majority vote of the members present. A quorum shall consist of at least 10 of the total dues-paying members being present to transact business.
10.4 Monthly Booster Meetings may be rescheduled at the discretion of the Executive Board under special circumstances and give notice to the general within reasonable time.
11.1 Expenditures of non-budgeted funds shall first be presented to the Executive Board for approval by a majority vote prior to being obligated.
11.2 All checks will be signed by either the President or Treasurer.
11.3 The President shall form an audit committee at the May booster meeting, consisting of one executive board member, one member from the general membership and an administrator of Clark High School (one executive board member and 2 general members). The out-going Treasurer shall submit all financial
records to the audit committee on or before June 30. The audit committee shall document their findings in a report and submit it to the President by August 31. The President in turn will provide the Director and the Principal copies of the report and the annual tax return.
12.1 By-Laws of the Cougar Band Booster Club may be amended by a majority vote of members present at a Booster Club meeting. Amendments shall be presented in writing to all members at least fourteen (14) days in advance of the meeting at which the amendment(s) will be approved/denied. Proposed amendments shall be presented in writing to all members present at the meeting prior to the vote.
12.2 Members desiring to amend the By-Laws shall submit proposed amendments in writing to the President, who will present them as provided in Section 12.1.
13.1 All questions of parliamentary procedure not covered by these By-Laws shall be decided according to the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised.
Section A: By-Laws of the Tom C. Clark High School Cougar Band Booster Club shall become effective upon ratification.